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Nov 18, 2021
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👉第一种情况是 : 你对新家的要求不高,只是想买一些家私,油一些漆就搬进去住
👉第二种情况是 :你懂得分析你新家屋型的优点和缺点,而且你还要懂得把你对空间的需求列出来和把你那些需求排进去新家里。
👉第三种情况是: 你对你想要的室内设计风格很熟悉,你懂得搭配颜色和懂得使用正确的室内设计元素,比如说你懂得选适合风格的灯饰,sofa,窗帘等等
👉第四种情况是: 你懂得管理一群你不熟悉的contractor。还要有很多的时间和耐性把你的设计方案清清楚楚的解释给你的contractor听,还要确定他们100% 明白你想要的设计。
👉第六种情况是:你的装修预算少过 RM 300k
第一种情况 :工程被严重delay,装修拖了又拖好像永远都做不完😭😭😭
第二种情况 :因为没有图和沟通错误,导致要花更很多的钱来修改错误的工程😭😭😭
第三种情况 :因为没有图导致很多沟通错误,contractor 之间吵架,contractor和屋主之间吵架😫😫
第四种情况 :用错装修材料导致以后很多的maintenance cost😢😢
第五种情况 :花了很多钱但是效果和装修杂志的屋子相比还差很多😭😭😭
第六种情况 :花了很多时间,精力和金钱,但是屋子的装修得还是不美,不能满意😭😭😭😭😭😭
如果你想要新家的装修不留遗憾,那么你就应该要聘请一个专业和有足够经验的室内设计师😎来和你一起打造你的 🏡DREAM HOUSE‼️
我们是一家专门设计和装修大型 bungalow 和 semi-d 的室内设计师团队😎,拥有十年以上的设计和装修经验。我们拥有 CIDB 装修执照和得过无数的奖项例如 Design of the Year Award 2013 & 2014, Asia Honesty award 2017, Golden Bull award 2019, International Prestige brand award 2017 等等。
👉我们是 Bungalow & Semi-D 室内设计专家,过去 14 年里我们专注于 Bungalow & Semi-D 的设计与装修。💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
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请按以下链接联络我们的设计团队 😉
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You don’t need to hire an interior designer‼
If you are in the following situation, you don’t actually need to hire an interior designer ⚠️
You will spend money to hire an interior designer ⚠️
👉The first situation is: you don’t have high requirements for your new home, you just want to buy some furniture, put some oil on it and move out
👉The second situation is: you know how to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of your new house type, and you will also know how to put your demand for space and put those into your new home.
👉The third situation is: You are familiar with the interior design style you want, you know how to match colors and know how to use the correct interior design elements, for example, you know how to choose the style of lighting, sofa, curtains, etc.
👉The fourth situation is: You know how to manage a group of contractors that you are not familiar with. 
You also need a lot of time and patience to explain your design clearly to your contractor, 
and make sure they understand 100% of the design you want.
👉The fifth situation is: you have a clear understanding of the nature and sequence of each project, 
and you also need to know how to connect eight to fifteen projects of different nature
👉The sixth situation is: your renovation budget is less than RM 300k
If you are in the above six situations, you do not need to hire an interior designer, because that will waste 
your money‼ ‼
But if your situation is just suitable for the above opposite.
If you want to decorate your new home without regrets, then you should hire a professional and 
experienced interior designer😎 to build your 🏡DREAM HOUSE‼ ️
We are a team of interior designers specializing in the design and decoration of large-scale bungalow and semi-d 😎, 
with more than ten years of design and decoration experience. 
We have a CIDB decoration license and have won numerous awards such as Design of the Year Award 2013 & 2014,
 Asia Honesty award 2017, Golden Bull award 2019, International Prestige brand award 2017 and so on.
👉We are the interior design experts of Bungalow & Semi-D. In the past 14 years, we have focused on the design and 
decoration of Bungalow & Semi-D. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
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预算 RM 300千或以上来装修您的家❓

Nov 17, 2021
预算 RM 300千或以上来装修您的家❓
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预算 RM 300千或以上来装修您的家❓
因为 RM300千 属于中型装修工程,涉及八到十五样的工程(电工,水泥工,砖工,水喉工等等),需要和八到十五个不一样的承包商沟通和协调。如果没有足够的经验和知识,很容易犯错❗
🔺️工程延误 😫
🔺️昂贵的修改错误的工程 😫😭
🔺️承包商之间挣执 😫😫
🔺️屋主和承包商挣执 😫😭
🔺️用错装修材料导致多多装修手尾 😫😭
🔺️花了很多钱但是效果和装修杂志的屋子比差很多 😫😭
👉 您必须深入研究现有屋型的优劣点,再列出您未来家的空间需求,然后再做未来家的家具排位。
👉 您必须要列出您要的设计主题,再找出正确的设计元素和合适的颜色配搭才能把您要的主题感觉带出来。
👉 您必须将您的设计方案精确的,清楚的和相关的承包商们沟通,还要根据工程的次序来协调八到十五个承包商的工作!
👉 您必须清楚的了解各个工程的性质和次序才能无误的衔接各个工程。
👉需要帮忙 ❓

Budget RM 300K or more to decorate your home❓
You might mess up the renovation project of your home! 😣😢️😭
Because RM300 thousand is a medium-sized decoration project, involving eight to fifteen kinds of projects (electricians, cement workers, bricklayers, plumbers, etc.), which requires communication and coordination with eight to fifteen different contractors. If you don’t have enough experience and knowledge, it’s easy to make mistakes ❗
👉 leads to:
🔺️Project delays 😫
🔺️Expensive engineering to modify the error 😫😭
🔺️Struggling between contractors 😫😫
🔺️The homeowner and contractor are struggling 😫😭
🔺️Using the wrong decoration materials leads to a lot of decoration hand tails 😫😭
🔺️Spent a lot of money, but the effect is much worse than that of decorating the house of the magazine 😫😭
🔺️Spent a lot of time, energy and money, but the house is still not beautifully decorated and can’t be satisfied. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
How to solve ❓❗
👉 You must thoroughly study the advantages and disadvantages of the existing house type, and then list the space requirements of your future home, and then make the furniture ranking of the future home.
👉 You must list the design themes you want, and then find out the correct design elements and appropriate color combinations to bring out the theme you want.
👉 You must accurately and clearly communicate your design plan with the relevant contractors, and coordinate the work of eight to fifteen contractors according to the order of the project!
👉 You must clearly understand the nature and sequence of each project in order to seamlessly connect each project.

👉We are the interior design experts of Bungalow & Semi-D. In the past 14 years, we have focused on the design and 
decoration of Bungalow & Semi-D. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
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Nov 16, 2021
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其实,你可以交给更专业的人士处理。 让我们帮你吧。 😎

👉我们是 Bungalow & Semi-D 室内设计专家,过去 14 年里我们专注于 Bungalow & Semi-D 的设计与装修💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
联系我们 😉
请按以下链接联络我们的设计团队 😉
#Deseocreativointeriordesign #Deseocreativo #interiordesign #ID #interiordesigner #renovation #beforeafter #houserenovation #Creativointeriordesign #spacejourney #homerenovation #1MinuteID

Are you struggling with your career, do you still have time to take care of the renovation of your new house? 🙄
I bought a new house, but I didn’t have time to arrange the renovation project. 🕛❌😫
Arranged, and many things need to be decided and dealt with. 📝😨
I had to get out of my busy work and arrange the renovation project. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
I'm really busy. It's almost collapsed.   
In fact, you can leave it to a more professional person. Let us help you. 😎

👉We are the interior design experts of Bungalow & Semi-D. In the past 14 years, we have focused on the design and 
decoration of Bungalow & Semi-D. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Contact us 😉
👉Need help ❓
Please follow the link below to contact our design team 😉
Visit our homepage for more details.
For additional design and decoration skills and knowledge, please click the link below.
- living design ideas
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- interior design trend
- home renovation trend
- Before and after interior design
- bathroom design ideas
- bungalow design ideas
- semi-d design ideas
- luxury design ideas
- luxury bungalow design ideas
- luxury semi-d design ideas
- modern classic design ideas
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-  modern luxury design ideas
- architecture design ideas
- interior architecture design ideas
- modern industrial design ideas
- scandinavian interior design style

Fresh and Bright

Aug 16, 2021
Fresh and Bright
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Fresh and Bright
The designer has specially chosen lavish wallpapers for this house, to
stir up the desired decor and atmosphere for different areas. Upon
entering. one will be welcomed with a swathe of glass surfaces that
breathes freshness, In the living hall, the TV wall is flanked by
wallpapers on the left and a long mirror on the right, both complements
each other impeccably. The dining area is slightly smaller but as one
wall is coated with glass. the room becomes more spacious. Glass is
also used to separate the dry and wet kitchens, while providing an
unhindered view
Moving upstairs, one will come to the visually exciting master bedroom
that has a curved design against wallpaper of golden flowers to adorn
the wall behind the bed. Over at the other end the TV wall is
decorated with cube-shaped design to enrich the appearance and at
the same thing brings in a whiff of freshness into the room
Clean and bright are the adjectives to describe this abode, it is simply
relaxing to be within ts embrace.


Aug 16, 2021
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Simple Lines Tell The Tale

Aug 1, 2021
Simple Lines Tell The Tale
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Simple Lines Tell The Tale

The quiet while and chic grey as an open layout. - ripped off all the frills of colour - presents the style of this abode and shows off its harmonious and exquisite charm. The wide swathe of white in the public area and the asymmetrical white panels used as clean lines for embellishments have become important elements connecting the living hall and dining area. Not only are they a sight to behold , they enhance the ceiling’s unique design. Further more, the designer has made good use of the large windows so that natural lighting takes centre stage, seeping through the decorative grille placed in the centre and caressing the glossy surfaces to light up the space’s daintiness.  
The room located behind the sofas is reserved for entertainment purposes. Glass furnishing and wooden partitions demarcate between the living hall and KTV room, but at the same time echoing to each other through the choice of materials, to bring our the vibrancy as well as the exquisite tastefulness this area.

Windows behind the TV wall serve not only as a means to bring in natural lighting. But also a creator of beautiful ambience through manually mixing and matching curtains of various designs. The master bedroom adopts the same concept too. Over at the dining area, the wall echo to the outline of the KTV room- white panels tango with mirror surfaces under the glow of a lavish chandelier to stir up a fashionable, opulent atmosphere for the meals.

The bedrooms are simple, relaxing and comforting. An area with several layering was created through the choice of colours and lighting. Marking it a tranquil environment for an effective slumber. Again, through the rhythm of lines and mirrors used for the and wardrobe, the designer has widened the horizon of this intimate zone.

Expansion through simplicity : the designer has shown his tender care in handing the space by pushing the boundaries through visual tricks.

Basking in Blue

Aug 1, 2021
Basking in Blue
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This house welcomes anyone and
everyone with a fresh and bright ambience.
“The owner of this house loves moviestherefore
the environment is specially created to resemble that of a cinema with
the enchanting glow of blue light tubes hidden behind white walls and ceiling
Its dimly It ambience further intensifies the  mood''says the designer.
The TV is set against an interesting surface featuring intersecting geometrical shapes,
enhanced with the use of mirror to make the overall aura even more refreshing.
A complete set of plasma screen and audio system blends flawlessly into the design as
it allows for sensory enjoyment steeped in modernity. Blue in its enchanting disposition sets the living hall aglow despite the present of dull coloured furniture , and all those contributes to the visual impact that enhances the appreciation of film art.
Over at the dining hall, bar and kitchen.minimalism is the order of the day while black and white paint the space with contemporary wonders.
Moving upstairsthe sofa bed in the master bedroom stands prominently as the centrepiece that not only is a treat to the eyesbut also an indulgence for the owner who loves video-audio pleasure.
Meanwhilethe children's rooms are splashed with vibrant blue and yellow to tell of their worriless childhood.Design and living meeting each other is what pleases the owner most.

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